Connect Oracle/MySQL to python

Ankush kunwar
2 min readSep 13, 2022


The database is a collection of organized information that can easily be used, managed, updated, and they are classified according to their organizational approach.

so let's get started

Steps to perform to connect with the database

1. Import the package - Database Specific2. Establish the connection between Python and Oracle (Database)3. Create Cursor object4. Execute the SQL Queries    cursor.execute(sqlquery) -> Single query execution    cursor.executescript(sqlqueries) -> Queries seperated by ;    cursor.executemany() -> Execute the parameterized queries5. Fetch the data    cursor.fetchone() -> Fetch only one record    cursor.fetchall() -> Fetch all the records    cursor.fetchmany(n) -> Fetch n rows6. commit()    rollback()7. cursor.close()8. con.close()

import the package:-

#!pip install cx_Oracleimport cx_Oracle

Establish the connection between python and oracle (database):-

parameter = your database hostname con = cx_Oracle.connect(parameter)con.version

Create cursor object:-

cursor = con.cursor()

Execute the SQL Queries:-

## Created student tablequery = "create table student_details (sid number, stuname varchar2(20), stumarks number, suaddr varchar2(20))"cursor.execute(query)
## insertion into the student tablequery = "insert into student_details values (100,'Rahul', NULL, 'Gurgaon')"cursor.execute(query)
## Delete from student tablequery = "delete from student_details"cursor.execute(query)

Insert many queries at a time:-

## many record at a time (list of tuple)records = [(101,'A',97,'Delhi'),(102, 'B', 92, 'Hyd'),(103, 'C',98,'Chennai'),(104, 'D',100, 'Blore')]query = "insert into student_details values (:sid, :stuname, :stumarks, :stuaddr)"cursor = con.cursor()## many record at a time with executemany cursor.executemany(query, records)

Take user input and fill the table:-

This is how you can connect and execute the query from python to your database table.

Thank you for reading !!!

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Ankush kunwar
Ankush kunwar

Written by Ankush kunwar

Experienced Software Engineer Skilled in Microservices, Backend Development, System Design, Python, Java, Kubernetes, Docker, AWS, and Problem Solving

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